Posting a job on Indeed? Have you avoided these rookie mistakes?
Job Boards ExplainedIndeed is one of the most popular job boards online for recruiters. The site has a lot to recommend it, including huge brand awareness amongst candidates.
However, because Indeed works its magic using a heady combination of data and clever budgeting, it requires a lot – a lot – of user input before your advert can go live.
If you’re posting a job on Indeed for the first time, or haven’t used it in a while (the site is constantly changing), it’s worth considering:
Have I…..
Set an appropriate budget limit? Monthly or daily? Is Pay-Per-Application-Start appropriate for your role? When it comes to Indeed sponsored jobs, don’t let a mis-click lead to nasty surprises.
Corrected any AI suggestions? It might behave like a mind-reader, but best to make double-sure that no misleading or sensitive information will make it live on your advert. Is that salary really hidden?
Chosen the ideal job title? Indeed considers itself a search engine, which means you can expect to be punished if your job title is too niche, misleading or misspelt.
Set the correct location? It’s very representative of the site as a whole that there are four drop down menus just to establish your address.
Set a clear workday schedule? That clever AI will make a guess at your operating hours if not – and highlight them to candidates.
Entered a salary band – or not? Indeed does not make it clear how to hide a salary range, so it’s worth double and even triple checking this if you’re keen not to make this public.
Included company benefits? Indeed knows that adverts with no listed benefits perform worse than those with a long list of perks. That’s why the AI helpfully guesses some for you – but make sure these are correct if you don’t want to disappoint candidates.
Got your Application settings in order? Do you want candidates to submit CVs or not? Would you like them to contact you directly? How about letting them organise their own interviews? Don’t know? Indeed will choose for you!
Don’t be intimidated by pop-up boxes warning about minimum spends or missing info. You’re in charge! Like many modern apps, using Indeed can be a bit like working with a bossy robot!
If you prefer the human touch, the team at Flat Fee Recruiter will take care of all of the above on your behalf and more.
With every campaign, as standard, the advertising team will oversee your adverts to make sure they perform at their best.
From writing content to making sure PPAS budgets are effectively managed, we are here to help!
To find out more about our easy to use, fixed-fee recruitment solutions, call 0113 322 7243 today.
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Advertising on Indeed – Is it the right job board for your role?
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Download your userguide
and advertise on Indeed like a pro!
Please note: Flat Fee Recruiter is not affiliated, endorsed or sponsored by Indeed.
The content of this website and any other associated documents is provided for general information use only.

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