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Recruitment Resolutions

Hints and tips

Recruitment resolutions 2018

It’s that time again, when we have the prompt to think about doing something different for the year ahead.  Have you given any thought to differences you might make to your recruitment this year? To help you along, we have put together our "5 Essential Recruitment Resolutions".

1. Set Goals

The start of many New Year Resolutions Lists… go to the gym more, increase business profitability, be more effective at work.  But, have you thought about what about your SMART recruitment goals could be?  Could you aim to recruit 20% of your hires through referrals or increase your direct hire ratio by 50%, by the end of the year?  By creating these tangible and measurable goals, it will not only reduce your recruitment costs, but keep yourself and your team focused on what your priorities are this year, regardless of how busy you get.

2. Get Organised

The key to any good recruitment strategy is great organisation.  What doesn't work in your process? Where are the blockages?  What can you do make your day more productive?  How can you improve communication channels?  Think about what technology you have access to.  Flat Fee Recruiter provides an easy to use communication and recruitment tracking software for free for every customer; could using a platform like this improve your recruitment process or do you have an another piece of kit that is just gathering cobwebs? Check out this post on applicant tracking systems to start getting a feel for the tech available.

3.Look after your Candidates

Supply and demand in recruitment is a revolving cycle.  We are now firmly in a candidate driven market which means that there are less and less people looking for work - check out the latest employment figures.   So, what can you do as an employer to ensure you attract and retain the best talent available in a tough market?  Some questions to ask yourself:  Does your brand encourage communication with candidates?  Are you easy to find on the web? Do you need to review your email templates to keep applicants informed of where they are in the recruitment process?   A good test to see what your candidate journey is really like, is to apply for one of your own jobs then review and adapt as necessary.  Does your recruitment process need any debunking?

4. Think Mobile, Think Social

Mobile has been the buzz word in recruitment for ages now surprise, surprise - it is no longer a buzz word - it is an essential tool for any hiring strategy.  50-70% of applicants are using their mobile devices to search and apply for jobs! Flat Fee Recruiter has seen 150% increase year on year since 2012 and now accounts for 45% of all traffic.  Consider and review what your process is and whether are you encouraging applications or putting people off because you are not mobile friendly.  Social media is another key element of the hiring process that is no longer a nice to have - your candidates are social and as 95% of employers check out a potential employee on social, the applicants are checking you out too!  Keep your content up to date, engaging and if you are using social media to attract applicants to your jobs - don't just advertise your positions, give them content that will benefit them.  Check out this article for more information on Social and Mobile Recruiting  

5. Create Great Adverts

Finally, if you are to attract the right candidates then please start with a great advert.  So many times, we see employers and recruiters just copy and pasting sections of jobs from the internet or their job descriptions.  If this is your strategy then be warned, not only does it lack imagination, flair and creativity (which the candidate will see if you have used someone else's advert) but it will not be keyword written for YOUR vacancy either.  So, it will not perform well in search engines which means it won't get in front of the right applicants and it may even constitute plagiarism too. How can you expect to attract the best candidates if you haven’t at least done the basics in creating a compelling, keyworded and personalised job advert?  We believe that writing a good job advert is a skill in its self, which is why we have a dedicated team just to writing job adverts.  We have written loads of articles on writing the perfect job advert.

We hope that we have inspired you to think about your recruitment process and maybe doing something different in 2018?  If you need help, advice or even an advert writing we would love to hear from you - [email protected] or 0113 322 7243

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