Unlike your CV where you write in brief and list your responsibilities and qualifications in bullet points, the cover letter allows you to give personality in your writing. You can show your enthusiasm for the job with the words you use and create a good impression with a positive tone. This shows an employer that you are optimistic about their job and that you are personable – a great trait in a potential employee...and colleague!
2. An understanding of your position in the industry and your goals
You can state your specific industry experience i.e. you’re a manager with 6 years experience or you’re looking for a career change and this is the first step in that journey.
You can also put your goals in here – this shows that this isn’t just a job for you; it’s a strategic career move. You have drive and passion for your industry and are looking to the future and where you can fit there. For an employer, this future planning shows commitment and instils a feeling of trust for the employer.
3. Insight into your relevant skills and qualifications
The qualifications you have obtained on your CV may need some elaboration – and here’s the place to do it. Employers like to know that you have additional skill-sets and knowledge that can benefit them so explain a little what the course entailed, what you had to do to get the qualification and how you apply it in your place of work.
4. A better background picture of your career path
Your CV gives an overview of what you’ve been doing in your career but your cover letter allows you to state additional information. You can put things like ’13 years experience in X’ or ‘between 2008-2010I was off work due to illness’ etc. Remember to always account for gaps in your CV!
Giving a greater insight into your background can only help clarify what’s on your CV, giving an employer better grounds for making their decision.
5. More information that backs up or counters their initial impression of you from your CV
Employers look at a lot of CVs when they are looking for a new member of staff and as such make quick decisions on an applicant based on what they say within their 2-page, bullet pointed working time line of events. Cover letters allow for further opportunity to say a bit more, stick out and cement the positives mentioned with your CV.
6. Ability to see how well you can communicate
Cover letters are written in a very different format to that of a CV, while a CV is often a list of information; a cover letter is in paragraph format. This gives an employer an insight into your written communication skills – a basic skill that all employers look for. So remember to make sure your spelling and grammar are on form – proofread, proofread and proofread!
7. Why you think you’re right for the job
A CV doesn’t give you the opportunity to say directly ‘I am suitable for this role because...’ while a cover letter does. You can dedicate a whole paragraph to saying exactly why you are the right person for the job – put yourself int he spotlight and don’t be afraid of selling yourself.
8. Why you think you’re right for the company
Similar to number 7, you can dedicate another paragraph to saying why you’re right for the company. What can they do for you and what can you do for them – hiring you is a mutually beneficial partnership.
9. Your desire for the role
Someone that takes the time to write a cover letter shows an employer that they want the job. Cover letters take time and you can’t just re-use them, they should be tailored to each role and company. That means by investing your time in your cover letter you are showing the employer that you are serious about working with them and aren’t just distributing CVs around.
10. An opportunity to see your salary expectations
Some employers ask for details of your salary expectations in their advert, a cover letter is a great place to do this. You don’t need to specify it to the pence – a £5k bracket is fine.
So next time you’re writing your cover letter make sure you bear these 10 tips in mind – there’s a reason why employers favour a supplementary cover letter with your CV.
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