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Stress Awareness 2018 - What can the employer do?

Flat Fee Recruiter Says

reduce stress at work 2018 calender

Stress awareness month has been going since 1992 and a great time for employers to look inwards to their organisations and do a bit of a health check on the existing staff members.

Keeping your staff has got to be good for business and of course, it will reduce your overall recruitment spend (which is what we like to hear)!  There are many sources online to help you find ways to help reduce the stress in the workplace, but we like to share some stress-busting dates for this year, to help you and your teams lighten the atmosphere a little. 

6th April 2018 - Walk to Work Day

A great start to the stress-busting month!  Physical exercise does tonnes to improve our physical and mental health!  Celebrate the day with your team - Enthuse and initiate walking to work for just one day - if people live a  bit too far to walk, why not leave the cars a few miles away and join up together to march in together? 

18th May 2018 – Bike to Work Day

Another fitness day that the whole company can get involved with - and you may even start some new habits!  Why not check out the Government's cycle to work scheme to encourage them to get a bit more serious. 

5th June 2018 – Leave the Office Early Day

Do you need any more excuses to leave work early and go and do something for yourself?  Encourage your team to take advantage of this day with the rest of the country.  With a bit of planning anything is possible!

22nd June 2018 – Take your Dog to Work Day

Totally pawsome!  Research has shown that animals at work can help reduce stress in the office.  We love having our Oscar in!

10th October 2018 – World Mental Health Day

A great day to bring mental health to the forefront in your organisation.  There are lots of tips on the internet to bring this day to life at work and help reduce stress at the same time!

7th November 2018 – National Stress Awareness Day

We have another day in the year to think about stress! Use it to re-group and do something stress-busting!


Putting stress relieving at the forefront of your day, for yourself and your staff, can only be a good thing.  If none of these work for your company, why not create your own?  What about "take a walk with nature day", "turn off your phone day" or "get a good nights sleep eve"  

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