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Recruitment Housekeeping.

Separate yourself from the competition and ensure your brand maintains a positive impression.

Let us contact candidates on your behalf.

Communicating with unsuccessful applicants is a crucial part of the recruitment process.

After all, they could be your customers or referees tomorrow.

Of course, this might not always be feasible within your business, especially if you are dealing with a high volume of applications.

For this reason, Flat Fee Recruiter offers a ‘Recruitment Housekeeping’ service (with most packages) where we contact candidates to let them know if they have NOT been selected.


Nearly 80% of companies

neglect to notify unsuccessful applicants at the end of their campaign.

Maintain a positive impression.
Stop job seekers chasing you.
Stand apart from your competitors.
Increase potential customers.
Improve recruitment ratios.

Create the best candidate journey possible.

Building a strong employer brand starts with the recruitment process. Why not check out these FAQ’s on engaging applicants and how to build a strong recruitment brand.

Branded Job Board Profiles

Need more recruitment support?

Outsourced hiring solutions for a fixed price.

From advertising to interviewing, the Ultimate Hiring Solutions package supports your recruitment strategy where you need it most.  Be confident that ALL your candidates are engaged and updated with.